Making the World a Better Place
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
The problems of the world can seem overwhelming. How can a single individual make a difference? How can we come together to make a real impact?
Dr. Scott Sherman spent many years researching hundreds of groups that were trying to make the world a better place. He wanted to understand what separated the successes from the failures. When people were facing so many obstacles and opponents, how could they win?
He made two surprising discoveries:
The first was that people win all the time. In other words, there is reason for hope. While the media often focus on stories of bad news, countless creative solutions and innovations go unsung. People who fight against seemingly insurmountable odds are often victorious. There are many inspirational and powerful stories of which few people are aware.
The second discovery was even more surprising: Almost everything we believe to be true about “how to change the world” is wrong. Many of the strategies that were successful in past decades no longer work. There are new strategies for success in the 21st century. And they might cause us to rethink what we imagined was possible.
For 15 years, the Transformative Action Institute has been training people in “the science of making the world a better place.”
To see what we offer, click here: What we offer
To see testimonials of our success and evidence of impact, click here: Success and impact
To get a sneak preview of the scientific principles for making the world a better place, click here: Transformative principles